Wednesday, December 02, 2009

mute your mind.

if there was one thing you could do, you would mute your mind.

and there it goes again like a runaway train and you try to stop but it spins and spins and spins, filling your head with silly thoughts and worries, keeping you awake at night. you plea for it to stop but it doesn't work because even if its your mind and you just want to tell it to shut up, it still goes on thinking and thinking until you think your head is about to explode.

its tiring.

because as you think you get paranoid and you become afraid and suddenly there's this never ending list of things you haven't done and should do but you can't because its so fucking late and you need to sleep or you'll be a zombie the next day.

but of course when you wake up, you never do the things on the hastily compiled to-do list you made last night. and so the cycle repeats itself at night.

and people wonder why the dark circles under your eyes are permanant.

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